Getting Started with AWS Dynamo DB and PHP
October 5, 2015
Dynamo DB Local tool
For testing Dynamo DB, download local testing tool from:
Note that this is not a replacement for DynamoDB and should not be used in a live application.
For running the tool execute following command (note that you need to have JRE installed), after changing the path '/root/DynamoDBServer/' accordingly
(java -Djava.library.path=/root/DynamoDBServer/DynamoDBLocal_lib -jar /root/DynamoDBServer/DynamoDBLocal.jar -sharedDb &)
Usually local tool uses the port 8000. Also you can access the web application for managing the DB through following url
Dynamo DB client library
First step is to download the Dynamo DB PHP client library is a part of AWS sdk. It can be downloaded through composer or from
Connecting to Dynamo DB local from PHP
** Not completed yet .. **